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Retreat with conscious use of
in Malaga

Upcoming dates:
3rd to 6th October
October 31st to November 3rd
November 28th to December 1st

A space
to liberate, understand and heal

In this sacred place of self-discovery, we invite you to immerse yourself in a unique experience of transformation.

We organise retreats that go beyond the ordinary, fusing the teachings of the Master Plants with therapeutic integrations and other conscious dynamics.

Creating welcoming spaces of openness to the heart,the opportunity to recognise oneself, to find oneself again and to free oneself from limiting patterns. On a path towards a deep connection with your inner Self.

We are committed to creating a safe and loving environment where you can exploring, healing and blossoming in your own evolution.

A retreat
for those who want to ....

Living in harmony
Expanding awareness
Releasing trauma
Seeking clarity
Finding inspiration
Understanding each other

Purpose and proposal

The purpose of this retreat is to become aware of the importance of letting go of the past, releasing what anchors us to old wounds and patterns that no longer serve us. Allowing us to open our hearts and minds to new experiences and opportunities.

In this sacred space, we will sow the seed of the present, the place where the future we are about to embark on will blossom.With deep intention and mindfulness, we will cultivate our aspirations, dreams and goals, nurturing them with love and gratitude. We will connect with the essence of our being, the source of inner wisdom that will guide us on the path that unfolds before us.

In the midst of stillness and contemplation, we will find the spiritual nourishment we need to feed our soul and forge a deeper connection with the universe. As we embrace this conscious retreat, we allow the light of awareness to illuminate our path, dispelling the shadows of the past and opening the door to a future full of possibilities.

May this retreat be a sacred act of self-discovery and transformation,a reminder that every moment is an opportunity to be reborn and to grow. Together, let us release the past, sow the present and light the way for the year to come with hope and love.

All of this is accompanied by the wisdom of the plants and ancestral knowledgemerging it in an original and unique way with traditional and contemporary elementssuch as yoga, meditation, bio-dance, constellations .... Allowing each moment to be spontaneous and fresh, to emerge from presence and awareness, leaving behind limiting patterns.

This retreat is designed to take you on a medicinal route through:

Altar of ancestral remedies

Journey and experience of Amazonian and ancestral medicine.

The meeting

A space of non-judgement where we all come to open our hearts and accompany each other in love.

Sharing circle

Materialising through our voices the feelings and comprehensions that we receive through opening up.

The fabric of history

A vision into the past of everything that brought us to the present moment, giving coherence to what happened.

Reading the territory

A connection with the land where we are, to comprehend how we relate to it.

Songs and meditations

A moment in which the being manifests itself by awakening a vibratory state of presence and expansion.

Conscious eating

Becoming aware of the physiological and emotional sensations of the process of eating.


Ancestral Remedies

Guardians of ancestral wisdom, they have been used throughout history by different indigenous cultures as portals to a deeper comprehension of nature and the human being. They have the power to open the doors of perception, providing visions and experiences that transcend the limits of the ordinary. Each with its own properties and effects, guiding us on a journey into the inner consciousness and the heart, and inviting us to explore the connection between heaven and earth.

Click on "Learn more" to access complete guides to the information on each Remedy.

*Kambo is not included in the cost of the retreat. It is a complementary remedy that can be requested separately at an additional cost.

What is Ayahuasca?

Among the Master Plants it is known as the Grandmother. She transmits wisdom, gentleness and love.

Its essence opens the doors of perception and immerses us in an introspective journey, revealing hidden truths and connecting us with the very essence of the universe.

Through this entheogenic medicine, the mysteries of our existence are revealed and paths to self-knowledge, healing and spiritual growth are opened up.

How can you help me?





Bad habits 




"Re-encounter the mystery of life".


Throughout this process you are fully accompanied, sustained and supported by the person leading the ceremony, like a father accompanying his child, or a mother holding and nurturing her little one as she wanders on the journey within, taking giant steps towards a shift in consciousness.


Amorawa inspires me and accompanies me in the transit from the circumference of my existence towards the pulsating life that flows in gushes from the most sacred centre of my being, towards that space where all beings beat in a single heart of light and love, blessed and sheltered in the infinite love of our Mother Earth.



My experience with ayahuasca was a before and after. I arrived at the retreat with my self-esteem as one might say from the
floors. And at the end I felt something that every person should be able to experience, because it cannot be explained in words.
 I encourage everyone to experience it because it gives a lot of energy and peace.



The meeting will take place in a unique location. A private farmhouse in the mountains, where we can listen calmly to the sounds of nature and find a haven of peace in which to enter into the Great Mystery, and where we will have conscious and healing vegetarian food to accompany our processes.

Accommodation in shared rooms.

Its location is well connected to reach it from anywhere. It is 1 hour from Malaga airport. It is also possible to arrive by bus from Malaga to the nearest village (transfer service available).

Exact location will be given at the time of booking.


We are a team of experienced professionals with long experience in working with master plants. Trained in various disciplines of consciousness, spirituality, neuropathy, nutrition, music, and different areas that allow us to offer a holistic approach in which we accompany from the heart and knowledge following three premises: awareness, love and responsibility.

We have specialised medical advice and first aid training certified by the Red Cross. We take care of the health of the people who come to us.



Having trained in Zen Buddhism and Eastern philosophy since my adolescence, in my youth I followed the path of shamanism which led me to the knowledge of the Master Plants and their wisdom.

Through my personal process of awareness and liberation, I was able to walk a path where I became coherent with my Self. And through this knowledge, today I can share healing and awareness.

My purpose is to accompany people to rediscover themselves in order to live in harmony with themselves and with nature.



Vanessa is a Guardian of Spirit. Aligning with her divine purpose and sharing it is her life mission.

Her formal training began with yoga and meditation in 2008 and she has been walking with ancestral medicines since 2016, accompanying and supporting more than a thousand people in their healing processes. She specialises in the integration of mystical experiences, including with psychedelics and entheogens.

His approach is based on unconditionality, a return to trust and openness of heart. From this place, dreams can become reality.



Her path begins in the world of music, with the VOICE as her primary instrument of transmission. Formal studies in Neuropathy lead her to expand her gaze to the urgent human need for healing and the importance of doing so through the elements of Nature. A holistic therapist, she is committed to delivering the messages of the natural world and its medicines: phytotherapy, evolutionary aroma therapy, floral therapies and gamo therapy.

Creator of sacred spaces and facilitator of sensory experiences, stimulating the resonance of the physical, psychic and vibrational body through the VOICE and sounds.



Sana is experienced in accompanying consciousness-raising processes with Master Plants.

Her approach focuses on illuminating the deeper layers of self-knowledge, helping others to explore their thoughts, emotions and life patterns. Through her reflective coaching, she empowers those seeking greater clarity and authenticity in their lives, encouraging them to discover new perspectives and unlock their potential for personal growth.


Each programme starts on the day of arrival at 17:00 and ends on the day of departure at 15:00. It is an investment for a time in which your life can flourish. 


  • Accommodation
  • Meals (vegetarian/vegan conscious and healing)
  • Personalised arrival interview and pre- and post-retreat support
  • Pre-preparatory sessions
  • 3 night sessions of work with Ayahuasca
  • Morning sessions of therapeutic integration
  • Work with ancestral remedies
  • Daytime dynamics
  • Therapeutic accompaniment
  • Medical advice for those who need it

All for 600 € / £

Main languages at the retreat: Spanish and English. 🇪🇸🇬🇧 

Additional languages: French and Italian 🇫🇷🇮🇹

The main languages are included in the fee. If a person wishes to request one of the additional languages, a translator will be provided at an additional cost of €50 per day (€150 on the total of the retreat).

Information and Booking

A personal interview is necessary in order to get to know us, assess your situation, and be able to inform you personally about everything.
Therefore, we ask that you provide your details only if you feel genuinely interested. Once we receive your message, we will contact you by whatsapp or email to arrange a call.
Thank you very much for your interest! We hope to meet you soon!

Questions and Answers

In case of cancellation by the organisers of the retreat, the participant may choose to request a refund of the reservation, or to be saved for a future retreat in that city or another city (no time limit).

In case of cancellation by the participant, reservations will not be refunded. However, they can be passed on to a friend or family member to attend in their place.

Is it necessary to follow a diet beforehand?

Yes, it is common and widely recommended to follow a diet at least 3-4 days before taking ayahuasca.

The diet aims to prepare the body and mind for the ayahuasca experience, as this medicinal plant can interact with certain foods and medicines, and the diet can help to avoid complications or discomfort during the ceremony. In addition, the diet can facilitate a deeper connection to the medicine and the purification process.

Here is a general guide to the recommended diet and the foods that are not recommended before taking ayahuasca:

Recommended diet before ayahuasca:

  1. Abstain from drugs and medicinesAvoid the use of psychoactive substances, such as alcohol, marijuana, recreational drugs and certain medications. If you are taking prescription medications, it is important to consult with a health professional about whether it is safe to temporarily discontinue their use.

  2. Light foodsOpt for a light and simple diet to facilitate purification and avoid stomach upset. This includes fresh vegetables, fruits, light soups and whole grains.

  3. Avoid processed foods and high-fat foods.Avoid processed, fried or high-fat foods, as they can hinder digestion and the experience during the ceremony.

  4. Avoid stimulant foodsAvoid foods containing caffeine, such as coffee, tea and chocolate, as they can interfere with the ayahuasca process and affect the quality of the experience.

  5. Avoid foods rich in tyramineTyramine is an amino acid found in certain foods that can interact with ayahuasca, potentially causing unwanted side effects. Examples are aged cheeses, sausages, red wine and fermented foods.

  6. Avoid foods rich in tyryptophanTryptophan is an amino acid found in certain foods and can influence serotonin in the body. It is advisable to avoid foods rich in tryptophan before the ayahuasca ceremony. Examples are turkey, chicken, and dairy products.

The following are some of the most important contraindications for taking master plants:

  1. Heart disease and high blood pressureThese remedies may have stimulating effects on the cardiovascular system, which could be risky for people with heart problems or high blood pressure.

  2. Psychiatric disordersPeople who have a history of psychiatric disorders, such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder or severe anxiety and depressive disorders, should avoid using these plants, as they may exacerbate these disorders.

  3. Use of medicines and drugsSome drugs can interact negatively with ayahuasca, especially those that affect the central nervous system or serotonin. It is also important to avoid taking other drugs before or during ayahuasca.

  4. PregnancyPregnant women should avoid consumption due to possible unknown effects on the foetus.

  5. BreastfeedingNot recommended for use during breast-feeding, as the active ingredients may pass into breast milk and affect the baby.

  6. Monoamine oxidase inhibitor drugs (MAOIs)Ayahuasca contains components that can interact with MAOIs, a class of drugs used to treat depression and other disorders. Combining these plants with MAOIs can cause dangerous reactions. 

In any case, people with serious or chronic health conditions, or other conditions, should consult us prior to withdrawal to assess their case.

  • Comfortable clothing
  • Sandals
  • Water bottle
  • Personal hygiene products
  • Notebook and pen for reflections and comprehensions (optional)

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